21 February 2012

Tactial Ops CONTEST - Phase #2 !

The current Tactical Ops logo is this sad thing here...

...a nondescript "action oriented" clip-art randomly taken from the vast sea of the interwebs.
To change this despicable state of affairs I started a Contest to crowdsource ideas for a new, original logo.

(meaning I was too lazy to think it up by myself :P )

Now we have a brilliant idea for a new logo, all we need is ... THE LOGO ... which is what you are going to provide!
That's right!
Tactical Ops Contest Phase #2 is a graphic-design contest to see who will be the best at translating ideas into images.

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Tha Rulez!
The rules are very simple.
Starting NOW you have until 12:00pm (Roma, GMT+1) of Sunday 11 March 2012 to submit your works to my mail: Brom00@gmail.com
Remember to use the "Tactical Ops Contest 2" subject and to include your name/nick and to actually attach the file to the mail!
(I always forget about it, but I know you are better than me, right?)

You can submit as many entries as you want.
You can use any graphic format you like, as long as it is something our limited human technology can compute.

Awe inspiring artistic representations of the logo are very wellcome, but you also get extra points if you produce a vector logo ... extra extra points if you do both!
(infinite scalability IS useful in these troubled times u_u)

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Tha Gold!
What you win is immortality through artistic representation, meaning that in the final version of my game you will get:
- a Special Mention (!)
- with an Honorific Title attached to it (!!)
- which can be anything of your own choosing (!!!)
- a character or location or creature or organization in my upcoming Dreamwake Setting-in-a-Box named (and shaped) after you! (infinite exclamation marks!!!!!)

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Tha Thing!
So, with no further ado, I tell you that the winning idea from Phase #1 of the contest is ... the one by Michael Tangherlini!

The concept is:

the name of the game (Tactical Ops) written with some kind of military-ish typeface.
The O in Ops is a crosshair.
And the whole thing is somehow inscribed/stamped on a dog-tag.

Extra points if the final image is a perfect square and looks awesome even as a Forum/Facebook/G+ avatar.

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So, what are you waiting for?!
Get cracking you mindles slaaaa... err... Go Forth Ye Bold Contestants! è_é

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