17 April 2012

The Perils of Real Life

Well sorry for the long delay, but LIFE happened and I got my ass from Roma (Italy) to Granada (Spain) and I've been spending the last weeks adjusting to the new everything.

What is the status of the game?
I still have to post the last Actual Play, but being my memory as bad as it possibly can be I'm starting to nurture some doubts about my ability to accomplish such a task after all this time :P

The good news is that while the experience was still fresh in my mind I took a lot of technical notes and have been implementing rule-changes based on them.

Now the text is almost completely revised in light of such annotations, and I have to say it looks pretty damn rad u_u

On a side note ... you may have noticed that ... WE HAVE A LOGO!!!
Thanks again to Susan Micale for that, she is the official winner of our latest contest ans she will be rewarded as such!

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